Here are some photos of Lilly at her first public concert - well its a warm up for the really big one at the end of the year. This was in the studio - but parents and friends were invited. the kids wore Bunny ears and tails with their normal dance kit.
I am so proud of Lilly. She adores her teacher Miss Hannah - who I must admit has a fantastic manner with them - strict enough - but warm and friendly with lots of fun sprinkled in.
Lilly tries really hard and watches closely to improve what she is doing every time. My wish for her is that she continues dancing and keeps enjoying it. I am not fussed if she does exams or goes into competitions - as long as she continues with grace and flexibility. Watching Lilly wriggle and twirl her hips round - oh dear - trouble with a capital T when boys start to notice her!! but all good I know - I would certainly wish that attention for her rather than the ignoring and taunting I got.

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